Fundamentals of Network Security

Fundamentals of Network Security

Computer networks are central to modern digital communication technologies; however, network security is constantly under attack from both external and internal sources.

This free online course examines the fundamentals of network security and covers topics such as active and passive attacks on networks, encryption, symmetric and asymmetric key systems, authentication using certification authorities, and access control using passwords and firewalls.

This course will be of interest to IT professionals who want to learn more about network security or students who are interested in a career as an IT or network administrator.

Upon completion of this course you will understand and be more aware of the potential threats that are continuously experienced in computer networks today. You will know the measures that need to be taken to avoid these problems in your own computer network. You will know the businesses that are more at risk of security concerns and the actions taken to reduce these concerns in a business. You will understand factors of security, such as encryption, that are used to protect computer networks.

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  • Ideal to include with CVs, job applications and portfolios
  • A way to show your ability to learn and achieve high results